Perform a Proof of Delivery check on the supplied label number. This will check for the existance of a Delivery scan, and return the delivery information if it is available.
LabelNo - The label number to request a Proof of Delivery on
CountryCode - Optional country code
A data structure. When delivery has not yet occured, it looks like:
{ 'result': { 'Delivered': false, 'LabelNo': '5y0001927918z' }, 'generated_in': '93ms' }When delivery has occured, it looks like:
{ 'result': { 'Type': 'D', 'Courier': '041', 'Description': 'Signature Obtained', 'Date': '03/08/2011 13:34:41', 'Name': 'Dublin', 'Franchise': 'DUB', 'Status': 'YES', 'StatusDescription': 'Signature Obtained.', 'CompanyInfo': { 'contactName': 'S Betty', 'company': 'Usit 19-20 aston quay', 'address1': '', 'address2': '', 'address3': '', 'address4': '', 'address5': '', 'address6': '', 'address7': '', 'address8': '', 'comment': '' }, 'UploadDate': '04/08/2011', 'LabelNo': '5y0001927918', 'Delivered': true }, 'generated_in': '203ms' }